Anthem® Inclined Screen

Gravity-Based Rock Sizing
With robust construction and advanced screening mechanisms, the Anthem Inclined Screen ensures superior material separation, reduced downtime, and increased productivity.
Anthem Screens are typically used in fine and coarse screening applications or for operators requiring a scalping stage, which removes oversized materials before the crushing or processing circuit.
Standard duty applications include a 2-bearing, single shaft design, while 4-bearing dual shafts are manufactured for the most demanding requirements.
Ore/Hard Rock Mining
Quarried Stone
River Gravel
Recycled Concrete
Fractured Gravel
Cubicle Products
Super Pave Products
Shaker, Shaker, Money Maker!
Josh has worked with lots of screens during his career, but Superior’s Anthem Inclined Screen offers a unique feature the others don’t.

Deck Spacing
Additional room between decks allows space for maintenance crews to change out media more comfortably.

Modern Spring Arrangement
Surge dampening calms start up and shut down, while bottle jack lifting points simplify maintenance.

Integrated Feedbox
Integrated into the frame of the screen with bolted wear liners and deflector plates for trouble free operation.

Fabricated I-Beam
Creates the highest strength-to-weight ratio so you can put more rock shaking action into your screens.

How Does An Inclined Screen Work?
Unlike horizontal screens, which require high amounts of energy to move material, inclined vibrating rock screens take advantage of gravity.
They operate at angles of 15° – 20° and rely on a circular motion (and gravity) to move material down the decks and through the media.
They accept a continuous feed of material well and generally deliver at lower costs per ton than horizontals.
Inclined vs Horizontal Screens
Inclined Screens
Uses gravity to move material
Typically lower capital expenditure
Processes higher capacities
Usually mounted in stationary plants
Simple design, easy to operate
Horizontal Screens
Uses oval throw to move material
Most accurate particle sizing
Accommodates heavier bed depths
Low height is great for portability
More complex drive system
Local Stock. Local Support. Local Experts!
Superior’s product manager reviews the features of Superior’s incline screen.
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