Impact Cradle

Impact Cradle - standard duty

Serve & protect

We took impact design a step further and created the impact cradle. Traditionally-designed impact beds do a great job of protecting your conveyor belt from the force of falling material. However, gaps in support leave your belting vulnerable to punctures, rips and tears. That same space – created when the sides of the bed meet the base – can also be a catch point for fugitive material.

Meet the impact cradle. Can you see how its cornerless u-shape matches the contour of your conveyor belt? It eliminates any space between bed and belt.

The picture here shows our patent pending Impact Cradle. The frame matches the same footprint as an idler and those black impact cartridges are segmented. Save money and replace cartridge pads individually
because the cartridges simply slide on or off the steel frame.

  • Belt widths 24” or 84” (609mm – 2,134mm)
  • Diameters 5″ – 7″ (127mm – 178mm)
  • Troughing angles 20° or 35°
  • Standard, Medium, and Heavy Duty


impact cradle curved bed

Curved Bed

Curved design closes gaps between belt and bed, reducing load zone spillage.

Impact cradle_impact protection black urethane pads

impact protection

Urethane segments absorb shock, extending belt service life.

impact cradle gif

Pads easily slide on and off of cradle frame for quick replacement.

impact cradle mounting footprint

mounting footprint

Designed to fit into CEMA C, D and E style idler mounting footprints.

Dry Bulk

Useful Transfer point tips

Preventing spillage at transfer points is imperative, since cost reductions from elimination at one transfer are significant.



Impact Cradle Literature

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Conveying Accessories Catalog

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Conveying Components Handbook

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