River Terminals

Bulk Material Handling Conveyors for Barge Loading Unloading

Custom conveying solutions provide an alternative to slow, stationary operations and equip river businesses with flexibility, efficiency and speed.

As more and more companies access inland water transport methods to increase volume and cut costs, the need for equally cost-efficient material handling, loading and unloading methods will complete the picture. Having one without the other may mean material producers are leaving profit margins at the bottom of their stockpile.

Barge Loading Solutions

Barge Loading Mobile Conveyor Solutions From Superior

Superior Industries offers conveying solutions in equipment offerings to load and unload barges. Add speed and agility to your operation and get help from an experienced team of engineers. With a custom conveying system, you can save your business time and money.

Barge-Mounted Conveyor Makes Quick Work Moving Material

See how materials go directly from barge to a hopper, then to a conveyor and out into trucks. These trucks then transport the materials to various job sites. Each barge carries around 1500 to 2000 tons of material, and it takes about two and a half to three hours to unload them.

Dredging, Loading & Unloading

Weeks Marine Uses Barge Mounted TeleStacker® Conveyor in Dredging Application

Weeks Marine is using a TeleStacker Conveyor to cap the dredge site with sand and stone coming from the Port of Coeymans

Pontchartrain Materials' Unique Barge Unloading Solution From Superior Industries

Bob Doll, of McCourt and Sons Equipment, explains how Pontchartrain Materials and Superior Industries worked together to develop a robust unloading conveyor designed to fit on a barge.

Carver Companies Loads Barges with Superior TeleStacker® Conveyor

Located along the Hudson River just north of Coeymans, New York, Carver Companies loads barges at the Port of Coeymans Marine Terminal. Trucks unload stone to a Superior RazerTail® Truck Unloader, which feeds a TeleStacker® Conveyor.

Custom Barge Unloading Conveyor

Overcomes Limited Footprint

Pontchartrain Materials had a vision for a better barge unloading solution. Crane rigs are versatile but also slow and inconsistent. Alternatively, truck ramp rigs offer more speed, but their structures are inflexible and prohibit unloading directly to the river bank. Then, they found the TeleStacker® Conveyor.

The axle length on a standard 130-foot (40m) TeleStacker Conveyor is 50-feet (15.2m), which is too wide for Pontchartrain’s 35-foot (10.7m) barges. Superior’s engineers overcame the obstacle by altering the stacker’s traditional undercarriage support system.

Engineers transitioned the undercarriage to an “overcarriage,” which properly distributes the telescopic conveyor’s weight and creates enough clearance under the conveyor to reduce the footprint for barge-mounting.

Today, this custom-designed TeleStacker Conveyor (and several others like it) unloads barges, stockpiles to shore and/or transloads to haul trucks depending on the needs of the local customer.

image Galleries

river terminal operations

// Click on each collection to see more photos. //

Columbia River – Portland, OR

Hudson River –  Jersey City, NJ

Mississippi River – Memphis, TN

Mississippi River – New Orleans, LA

Skardon River – Weipa, QLD Australia

Uruguay River -Colonia, Uruguay

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