NRG Argentina Selects Superior Conveyors For New Frac Sand Plant

Morris, Minn. – Superior Industries, Inc., a global manufacturer and supplier of bulk material processing and handling systems, is honored to be selected as the material handling supplier for NRG Argentina’s (NRG) new frac sand plant in Río Negro, Argentina. Industrial Accessories Company (IAC), NRG’s EPC contractor for the project, has a long history of successfully partnering with Superior Industries on several frac sand projects.

“During North America’s fracking boom in the 2010’s, Superior quickly became the preferred manufacturer of conveyors for unloading, transferring and stockpiling frac sand,” says Roland Duer, the conveyor manufacturer’s manager of business development throughout Latin America. “Those customers appreciate high quality products, dedicated aftermarket support and our uniquely integrated manufacturing, which uses our very own idlers, pulleys and accessories in addition to the conveyor structure we design and build.”

At the writing of this release, more than 750-meters of conveyors were en route to NRG’s new frac sand plant. Highlights include a 56-meter TeleStacker® Conveyor. These automated radial telescopic stacking conveyors are capable of building extreme volume stockpiles in excess of 302,000 metric tons. Additionally, NRG will utilize a pair of portable RazerTail® Truck Unloaders to transfer frac sand from trucks. Other conveyors will be installed throughout the dry plant creating a quiet, environmentally-friendly material handling operation.

“Having Superior as a supplier is a clear example of the importance for NRG to incorporate good technologies and best practices that take care of the environment and, at the same time, offer solutions to the customers,” said César Güercio, CEO of NRG Argentina S.A.

Superior says it is proud its conveying equipment will be an active participant in Argentina’s effort to achieve energy independence.

About Superior Industries, Inc.

Superior Industries is a deeply-rooted, privately-owned American manufacturing company whose products play a pivotal role in production and transportation of ingredients used to build the world’s infrastructure. Specialties include crushing, screening, washing, and conveying systems, alongside comprehensive parts and services that support robust construction aggregates production from Rock Face to Load Out®. Equipped with one million square feet of manufacturing space and more than 100 engineers, Superior is headquartered in Morris, Minnesota, with four additional production facilities in the United States, plus international manufacturing locations in Canada, Brazil, and Asia.

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Press Contact
Corey Poppe
Communications Manager
+1 (320) 589-2406
[email protected]

Superior Industries • 301 E Highway 28 • Morris, Minnesota 56267 United States

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