Superior Conveyors Improve Uptime at Hi-Crush Frac Sand Plant


Hi-Crush hauls over 900 tons per hour of material from their wet plant to their dry using engineered overland conveyors. Part of their operation is also a TeleStacker Conveyor used for stacking finished products.

With Superior’s color-coded parts and “plug and play” technology, the company was able to set-up their conveyor themselves. Before the TeleStacker Conveyor, Hi-Crush was challenged with having little space to stockpile and easily moving to a new stockpile location. Now, the company can easily transition to a new area for stockpiling and finds that they move their conveyor at least three times a week.

Project Details


Blair, Wisconsin

Aggregates: Frac Sand

TeleStacker® Conveyor
Engineered Overland Conveyor
In-Plant Conveyors

Portable Conveyors Improve Uptime at Hi Crush Frac Sand Plant

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